Train Ticketsprint


Russian trains are comfortable punctual and a lot cheaper than domestic flights — a very popular mode of transportation indeed. Sometimes though it makes a train ticket a difficult item to get hold of.

Booking your tickets in advance should guarantee their availability!

We offer you all types of Russian tickets for any domestic route and destination.

Please, book your tickets with us well in advance and make your payment no later than 45 days prior to the actual departure dates. Tickets purchased at the time less than 45 days prior to your departure will be expected to be paid for straight away as we will be bound by the administration fee in case of any changes/cancellations. Please see our sales terms and conditions for more information.


From Russia to Europe & Asia— Helsinki, Warsaw, Riga and more – available on request, please contact us


How do I travel 1st and 2nd class

Do I travel 1st or 2nd class?The difference between 1st and 2nd class is the amount of people in your compartment. 1st class means 2 beds per compartment and 2nd class means there will be 4 beds per compartment. Each train car has 9 compartments and 2 toilets with a washing basin. 




How long in advance do I plan my trip

The best thing is to do your planning as early as about 2—3 months before your actual departure. This should give you enough time to plan all stops, accommodation and sightseeing. And to get your visa too!

At the Russian Railway the selling of reservation coupons starts 45 days prior to departure date of a train. This should be the latest date to make the booking. If you are booking later we can’t guarantee that there will be any places left (but we will do our best get you some!).



Where do I get my train tickets from

Most of the train tickets are e-tickets (electronic tickets), but some of them are still come as paper tickets.Your tickets can be bought/ picked-up at one of our offices in St. Petersburg or Moscow or on your first booked transfer in Russia. As well  we can mail them abroad for approx. $35, or FedEx courier service starting from $95 to $56 depending on the destination country, which is more indeed a reliable but a lot more expensive option for delivery.